House Hearing on NASA's Strategic Direction
The House Science, Space and Technology Committee held a hearing on December 12, 2012 on NASA’s future. published a summary of the hearing on December 14, 2012. The hearing included testimony by Ron Sega, who was vice-chair of a National Research Council (NRC) report on NASA’s Strategic Direction that was released the week prior to the hearing. The full list of witnesses include the following:
- Honorable Robert Walker, Wexler and Walker (former chairman of the House Science Committee)
- Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Ron Sega, former astronaut, currently University of Colorado and vice-chair of the National Research Council (NRC) Committee on NASA’s Strategic Direction
- Marion Blakey, President, Aerospace Industries Association
- Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen, University of Michigan Space Physics Laboratory
- Dr. Scott Pace, George Washington University