House SS&T Hrg on Expert Perspectives on NASA's Human Spaceflight Program, February 2016
The Space Subcommittee of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee held a hearing on February 3, 2016 on “Charting a Course: Expert Perspectives on NASA’s Human Exploration Proposals.” NASA itself was not represented at the hearing. Instead, the subcommittee took testimony from three “outside” (non-NASA) witnesses with expertise on the subject. They were:
- Tom Young, retired industry executive (Martin Marietta/Lockheed Martin), former NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Director, and member of the NASA Advisory Council, testifying on his own behalf
- Paul Spudis, senior scientist, Lunar and Planetary Institute, testifying on his own behalf
- John Sommerer, retired from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, testifying as former chair of the Technical Panel of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine committee that produced the 2014 Pathways to Exploration report published a summary of the hearing on February 4.