Senate Commerce Hearing on Challenges and Opportunities in Human Spaceflight

Senate Commerce Hearing on Challenges and Opportunities in Human Spaceflight

The Subcommittee on Science and Space of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee held a hearing on April 23, 2013 on Challenges and Opportunities in Human Spaceflight.  Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA Associate Administrator for Human Spaceflight; Lt. Gen. Tom Stafford (Ret.); and Steve Cook, Director, Space Technologies, Dynetics, were the witnesses.  The hearing addressed NASA’s FY2014 budget request for human spaceflight including the new asteroid retrieval strategy to capture an asteroid, place it into lunar orbit, and send astronauts to obtain a sample.   It also looked at international cooperation in future human spaceflight missions and the role of the private sector. published a summary of the hearing on April 23.