Events of Interest: Week of June 11-15, 2012
The following events may be of interest in the coming week. The Senate is in session; the House is in recess.
Monday, June 11
- NASA media teleconference on the status of the Mars Science Laboratory/Curiosity mission, 12:00 pm ET, listen at
- NASA press conference on the upcoming launch of the NuSTAR astrophysics mission, UC Berkeley, 3:00 pm ET (12:00 pm PT), listen at
Tuesday, June 12
- Women in Aerospace breakfast featuring Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Capitol Visitors Center, 8:00-9:30 am ET
- U.S. Commercial Space Law: A Practitioner’s “Tool Box,” 8:00 am – 5:00 pm ET
- International Space University US Alumni DC chapter Space Cafe featuring Michael Gold, Bigelow Aerospace, the Science Club, Washington, DC, 7:00 pm ET
Tuesday-Thursday, June 12-14
- NASA Mars Program Planning Group, Houston, TX. Some sessions will be webcase; check the Lunar and Planetary Institute website for details.
Wednesday, June 13
- Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee on DOD FY2013 budget request, 192 Dirksen, 10:30 am ET
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