Not to Worry, It was Just a Pinprick — Photo of Rock Zapped by Curiosity Rover

Not to Worry, It was Just a Pinprick — Photo of Rock Zapped by Curiosity Rover

NASA has released an “after” image of the Martian rock it zapped with a laser today showing a small hole created in the process.

Image credit:  NASA/Caltech-JPL/LANL/CNES/IRAP

The image is a composite incorporating an image taken by one of Curiosity’s Navigation Cameras before the test, with inserts taken by the ChemCam instrument afterwards.  The image in the circle is the before picture; the magnified area in the square is after the test.

The rock is designated N165, but has been christened Coronation by the Curiosity scientists.

NASA released this image of it earlier.  The fist-sized rock is about 10 feet from the rover.

Image credit:  NASA/Caltech-JPL/MSSS/LANL.

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