U.S. and Non-U.S. Space Agency Reps to Discuss International Cooperation in Space

U.S. and Non-U.S. Space Agency Reps to Discuss International Cooperation in Space

On November 19, the American Astronautical Society will host a panel discussion on Capitol Hill on international cooperation in space.  Representatives of NASA and four non-U.S. space agencies will share their views.

NASA has been engaged in international space cooperation since it was created in 1958.  The National Aeronautics and Space Act encourages NASA to cooperate with other countries and it has been a hallmark of NASA programs throughout the decades.   NASA’s best known international cooperative project is undoubtedly the International Space Station (ISS) in which the United States, Russia, Canada, Japan and 11 European countries cooperate.  That is only one example, however.   The vast majority of NASA’s space and earth science missions are joint with other countries. 

Budget constraints in the United States and other space-faring countries make international cooperation almost essential for any space activity of any size.  Although it is generally accepted that international cooperation increases the cost of any particular project because of the increased coordination required, the portion that each country pays is less than if it attempted the project alone.

The discussion, Celebrating International Cooperation in Space and Looking to the Future, is from 11:30-1:30 pm ET in 2325 Rayburn House Office Building.  Brown bag lunches will be provided, so it’s important to RSVP.   The panel will be moderated by Susan Irwin, President of the U.S. office of Euroconsult; RSVPs should be sent to ahmadu@euroconsult-na.com no later than tomorrow, November 13.

Panelists are:

  • Kent Bress, NASA
  • Micheline Tabache, European Space Agency (ESA)
  • Masahiko Sato, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
  • Bill Mackey, Canadian Space Agency (CSA)
  • Philippe Hazane, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES — the French space agency)

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