UPDATE 4: Events of Interest: Week of September 12-16, 2011

UPDATE 4: Events of Interest: Week of September 12-16, 2011

UPDATES: The Senate Appropriations CJS subcommittee markup has now been officially announced, and is on Wednesday, and the full committee will meet on Thursday to markup CJS and other appropriations bills. Also, NASA has changed its mind and now will air the NASA-ATK commercial crew announcement on NASA TV on Tuesday. NASA also has announced a news conference on Thursday about Kepler.

The following events may be of interest in the week ahead. For more information, check our calendar on the right menu or click the links below. The House and Senate both are in session this week.

Monday-Friday, September 12-15

  • World Satellite Business Week, Paris, France, including
    • Symposium on Market Forecasts, September 12
    • World Summit for Satellite Financing, September 13-15
    • Symposium on Earth Observation Business, September 15-16
  • National Aerospace Week (see this website for a list of activities, some of which also are listed below)

Tuesday, September 13

  • Secure World Foundation-IFRI conference European Space Governance, Brussels, Belgium
  • HSS&T Hearing on STEM Education, 2318 Rayburn House Office Building, 10:00 am EDT
  • Senate Appropriations subcommittee markup FY2012 defense appropriations bill, 192 Dirksen Senate Office Building, 10:30 am EDT (listed in National Journal’s Daybook, but not yet on the committee’s website)
  • NASA announcement of agreement with ATK on commercial crew, Kennedy Space Center, FL, 3:00 pm EDT. Watch on NASA TV.
  • John Logsdon lecture on “Human Spaceflight: A Historical Perspective on an Uncertain Future,” National Air and Space Museum, 600 Independence Ave,, NW, Washington, DC, 4:00 pm EDT (RSVP required, see our calendar on the right menu for more details)

Tuesday-Friday, September 13-16

Wednesday, September 14

Thursday, September 15

Friday, September 16

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