Legislative Checklist: Major Space-Related Legislation in the 112th Congress, A SpacePolicyOnline.com Fact Sheet
Legislative Checklist: Major Space-Related Legislation in the 112th Congress is a SpacePolicyOnline.com fact sheet that tracked major space-related legislation as it moved through the 112th Congress (the years 2011-2012).
Bill numbers, report numbers, and dates when major steps in the legislative process — such as subcommittee and full commitee markup, floor consideration, conference action, and signing into law — are shown. It includes funding bills for NASA, NOAA, DOD and the Office of Commercial Space Transportation at the Federal Aviation Administration, including the FY2013 Continuing Resolution that funds the government through March 27, 2013. It also includes legislation to extend the government’s authority to indemnify commercial launch services companies from claims by third parties (the general public) for certain amounts of money if there is a launch accident, to ease export controls on commercial satellitles, and to rename the Dryden Flight Research Center after Neil Armstrong.
This fact sheet was updated many times throughout the 112th Congress. This is the final version and is dated January 18, 2013.