House SS&T Subcommittee Hearing on Commercial Space Activities, July 2019

House SS&T Subcommittee Hearing on Commercial Space Activities, July 2019

The Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee held a hearing on “The Commercial Space Landscape” on July 25, 2019.  Subcommittee chair Kendra Horn (D-OK) described it as “commercial space 101” to help the subcommittee prioritize what topics it should focus on in future hearings.  Witnesses were:

  • Dr. Bhavya Lal, Research Staff Member, IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute
  • Ms. Carissa Christensen, Chief Executive Officer, Bryce Space and Technology
  • Mr. Eric W. Stallmer, President, Commercial Spaceflight Federation
  • Mr. Mike French, Vice President, Space Systems, Aerospace Industries Association
  • Laura Montgomery, Proprietor, Ground Based Space Matters, Professor, Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law (added July 23)

Stallmer strongly criticized new proposed regulations from the FAA for the commercial space launch business. published a summary of the hearing focusing on Stallmer’s remarks on July 25, 2019: CSF’s Stallmer Slams FAA’s Proposed Commercial Space Regulations.