Appropriations Update: October 5

Appropriations Update: October 5

The Senate began debating the Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) appropriations bill today (H.R. 2847). Regarding the Senate Appropriations Committee’s action on NASA’s part of the bill, the Obama Administration’s Statement of Administration Policy (SAP) cites only the reduction of $18.7 million from the request for the innovation program as a problem.

Unlike the House-passed bill, the version being debated by the Senate includes full funding for the Constellation program. The House cut that request back to the FY2009 level, sparking concern by the Administration as expressed in the SAP that was released at that time. The differences between the House and Senate versions will have to be reconciled during conference.

The Senate is expected to conclude debate on the DOD appropriations bill (H.R. 2847) tomorrow (Tuesday) and possibly pass the conference report on the Department of Energy bill (H.R. 3183)..

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