Lost Amid the Budget Numbers? Check Out Our New Fact Sheet on NASA's FY2011 Appropriations

Lost Amid the Budget Numbers? Check Out Our New Fact Sheet on NASA's FY2011 Appropriations

Keeping track of congressional action on NASA’s budget is hard enough today, but it will become that much more difficult tomorrow with the release of President Obama’s FY2012 budget request. We have just published a new fact sheet that will track NASA’s FY2011 appropriations bill as it continues to be considered in Congress. We will publish a separate fact sheet on the FY2012 request in the near future.

The new FY2011 fact sheet, NASA’s FY2011 Appropriations: the Debate Continues in the 112th Congress, is available under “Our Fact Sheets and Reports” on the left menu. The fact sheet will be updated as necessary.

Meanwhile, for those interested in what happened with NASA’s budget in the last Congress, including details on the authorized levels in the 2010 NASA Authorization Act for FY2011, FY2012 and FY2013, our earlier fact sheet remains available, although it will not be updated.

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