NRC Releases Report on America's Future in Space
The U.S. civil space program should serve key national objectives and be guided by six strategic goals, according to a new report from the National Research Council (NRC). Those goals are:
- To re-establish leadership for the protection of Earth and its inhabitants through the use of space research and technology;
- To sustain U.S. leadership in science by seeking knowledge of the universe and searching for life beyond Earth;
- To expand the frontiers of human activities in space;
- To provide technologies, economic, and societal benefits that contribute solutions to the nation’s most pressing problems;
- To inspire current and future generations; and
- To enhance U.S. global strategic leadership through leading in civil space activities.
The committee stated that “All six goals serve the national interest, and steady progress towards achieving each of them will be a fundamental measure of the success of America’s space program.”
The study, America’s Future in Space: Aligning the Civil Space Program with National Needs, was funded internally by the National Academies, of which the NRC is part. The study committee was chaired by Gen. Lester Lyles (USAF, Ret.). Dr. Lennard Fisk, past chair of the NRC’s Space Studies Board, and Ray Colladay, chair of the NRC’s Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, were vice-chairs.
The House Science and Technology Committee is planning a hearing on July 16 at 10:00 am where Gen. Lyles and others will testify.
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