UPDATE 2: Election Results for Key Space-Related Congressional Seats

UPDATE 2: Election Results for Key Space-Related Congressional Seats

UPDATE 2: Rep. Giffords won reelection.

UPDATE: Politico reports that although Rep. Giffords is leading in her race for reelection, a final outcome may not be known until later this week; our list has been changed accordingly. Also, a link to the Space Foundation’s list of election outcomes has been added.

Republicans won control of the House in yesterday’s election, while Democrats maintained control of the Senate. All House members and one-third of the Senate were up for reelection.

This updated list, prepared by SpacePolicyOnline.com, shows the outcome (based on data from the New York Times) for key Representatives and Senators who hold leadership positions on the committees that authorize or appropriate funds for NASA, NOAA, DOD and the Intelligence Community. Note that all the leadership positions in the House will change now that the Republicans will be in control (the chairs of committees and subcommittees are members of whatever party controls that chamber). Some may also change in the Senate.

The Space Foundation has a list of all members of the relevant committees and their election outcomes.

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