Events of Interest: Week of December 7-11, 2009
The following events may be of interest next week. For further information, see our calendar on the right menu or click on the links provided below. Note that congressional hearings …
The following events may be of interest next week. For further information, see our calendar on the right menu or click on the links provided below. Note that congressional hearings …
The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) sent a letter to President Obama on Wednesday spelling out changes its members want to the export control system. The President ordered a review of …
As the clock ticks down on the current Continuing Resolution, which expires on December 18, seven of the 12 appropriations bills still have not been cleared by Congress. All seven …
The House passed H.R. 3570, the Satellite Home Viewer Reauthorization Act of 2009, yesterday. (For clickable links to that and other legislation mentioned in this article, see’s Fact Sheet …
At a space policy workshop in Mexico City last month, space policy-makers from six Latin American and Caribbean countries agreed to identify common elements in their space policies to facilitate …
A summary of Wednesday’s hearing on Ensuring the Safety of Human Space Flight before the Space and Aeronautics subcommittee of the House Science and Technology Committee is now available. …
The Government Accountability Office’s (GAO’s) testimony to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Subcommittee on Aviation is available from GAO. Testimony from all the witnesses and a webcast of the …
The testimony from the House Science and Technology Committee’s subcommittee hearing on ensuring the safety of human space flight is available on the committee’s website, along with opening remarks from …
Two congressional hearings at 10:00 this morning will look into the safety of human space flight and related issues. The Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee of the House Science and Technology …
The House Science and Technology Committee just updated the list of witnesses for the hearing tomorrow on Independent Audit of NASA. Paul Martin, who was confirmed as NASA’s new Inspector …