China's Yutu Lunar Rover OK Per Western Source
England’s @UHF_Satcom tweeted this afternoon that it has picked up signals from China’s Yutu rover. The health of the rover has been in question since January 25. While not an official Chinese source of information, it does seem to represent good news.
One tweet reported: “Chang’e 3 YUTU lander is alive! Xband signals detected from moon and also EME reflection of Chinese TTC uplink on 7.2GHZ – pics to follow! — UHF Satcom (@uhf_satcom) February 12, 2014.”
Another added: “And, the signal we’ve all been waiting for, direct downlink from the Yutu rover! a pretty good signal! — UHF Satcom (@uhf_satcom) February 12 2014.”
A third went further: “ … Doppler corrected signal from Yutu rover, pretty strong signals, in fact almost the best I have seen! I need a QSL!”
For more information, check @UHF_Satcom’s Twitter feed and the website.
The English language versions of China’s official Xinhua website, China Daily, and CCTV have not reported on Yutu yet.
Editor’s note: We tried embedding the tweets in this story, and to click on the links provided in them, without success. A browser other than IE11 may be needed to successfully use those links.
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