Events of Interest: Week of January 14-19, 2013 – UPDATE
UPDATE: Adds the meeting of NASA’s Small Bodies Assessment Group (think asteroids, comets, NEOs) Monday-Wednesday.
The following events may be of interest in the week ahead. The House will in session Monday-Wednesday; the Senate is in recess until the inauguration on Monday, the 21st.
Monday-Wednesday, January 14-16
- NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group, The Liaison Affinia Capitol Hill Hotel, 415 New Jersey Ave., NW, Washington, DC
Tuesday, January 15
- Washington Space Business Roundtable luncheon featuring Lori Garver, University Club, Washington, DC, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm ET
- FAA COMSTAC Systems Working Group, telecon, 1:00 pm ET
Wednesday, January 16
- NASA-ESA Press Briefing on Orion Agreement, Johnson Space Center, TX, 10:30 am CT (11:30 am ET, 17:30 CET)
- NASA-Bigelow Aerospace Media Availability, Las Vegas, NV, 10:30 am PT (1:30 pm ET)
Thursday, January 17
- NASA press conference on upcoming ISS missions — ISS Program and Science Overview, Johnson Space Center, TX, 11:00 am CT (Noon ET)
- NASA press conference on upcoming ISS missions — Crew Members, Johnson Space Center, TX, 1:00 pm CT (2:00 pm ET)
Friday, January 18
- NASA Future Forum Open House (as part of inaugural activities), NASA HQ, Washington, DC, 10:00 am – 3:30 pm ET
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