Mike Griffin Unleashed
It’s not as though former NASA Administrator Mike Griffin shied away from speaking his mind when he was in Washington, but now that he is a professor at the University …
It’s not as though former NASA Administrator Mike Griffin shied away from speaking his mind when he was in Washington, but now that he is a professor at the University …
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) told The Hill newspaper that Charlie Bolden’s nomination as NASA Administrator is likely to be voted on next week by the Senate Commerce, Science and …
The House Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Strategic Forces marked up its portion of the FY2010 DOD authorization bill, H.R. 2647, on June 11, 2009. The subcommittee’s mark includes $11 …
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), chair of the Senate Commerce subcommittee with jurisdiction over NOAA, said that the report of the NPOESS Independent Review Team, chaired by Tom Young, is “pretty …
NASA has announced the dates of not only the first meeting (June 17) of the Augustine panel on options for NASA’s human space flight program, but for other meetings throughout …
Dwayne Day has written an excellent summary for The Space Review of last week’s symposium “Aligning Policies and Budgets,” sponsored by George Washington University’s Space Policy Institute: “Space policy 101: …
The full House Appropriations Committee will markup the bill that includes NASA’s FY2010 funding (the Commerce, Justice, Science appropriations bill) at 11:00 am today, June 9, in 2359 Rayburn House …
No changes were made to the NASA budget today during full committee markup of the Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) appropriations bill for FY2010. The budget for the Constellation program remains …
Our listing of events includes two markups this week. Wonder what a markup is? Check out our new fact sheet, “What’s a Markup?: Answers to That and Other Legislative Mysteries” …
Rep. Alan Mollohan, chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science (including NASA), released a statement that the subcommittee approved $18.2 billion for NASA for FY2010. While the …